Event apps

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This year has been the first season the applications for the festivals, conferences, open days and program guides in Hungary as well as abroad have been made entirely within Mobilessence App Platform, using the festival module in the case of festivals, specially designed for this purpose.

Fortunately this year, the palette of domestic festivals will be covered almost to its entirety; an official application will be made for VOLT, Heineken Balaton Sound, Sziget, Hegyalja, Fezen and SZIN festivals, and in addition to these, for various other events and festivals abroad – although the present note is devoted solely to the Hungarian applications and their new functions. We are happy to note that our previous festival applications were very successful and produced a surprisingly high number of visitors and downloads, providing an excellent basis for the mobile applications of these large events and for the features of the new platform. No basic changes were therefore planned in them; however, in order to profit from our experience, there were a few things that we wished to include in the applications.

Performers among the main menu items

In the previous applications, the Performers menu item was available from the Programs menu item using the Performers button. Now the Social menu item has been placed in the More menu item, and the Performers list view has been emphasized, it can be now accessed among the main menu.


Our partners have expressed their wish for a list view here; a controller has thus been included on the upper stripe and now (program) locations can be viewed in a list in addition to the icon view. This is especially interesting in the case of festivals with numerous locations that must be displayed over a map, and also when lots of small individual sites which are difficult to be organised into categories are uploaded – as a result, the icon view can even be omitted.

My Programs

This is perhaps the greatest novelty in the applications – it is available from the Programs menu using the star icon on the upper stripe. Previously we had noticed that many users would have liked to share information on what programs they would be attending during the various events. Therefore, a My Programs screen has been created, where programs marked as favourites are displayed in a list view. Users can share this list on Facebook, so their friends know what programs they will be attending and which ones they can go to together. The list can of course be edited from this screen too; if you want to delete something from it, simply swipe your finger to the right across the programs you want to delete.


In the previous festival applications a matrix was used for displaying the programs per day – this is fundamentally spectacular and its advantage is that programs of stages and locations within the different categories can be followed and compared simultaneously. For longer programs, or if someone would just like to run through them of a single stage, a more optimal, list view has been created. Programs of the stage or venue of your choice can thus be selected from a roll-down window. In addition, the long press gesture function has been added to the matrix view – individual performers can thus be marked as “liked”, or this choice can also be cancelled by the same function.

Applications for the VOLT festival are already available for iOS and for Android; others will follow soon..

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